Blended hospitality learning for hospitality academies
Hosdu supports your classroom teaching, engages students and provides learning on-the-go so they engage well with the curriculum and stay to complete their studies. When they leave your school, they will be well prepared to stand out from the crowd and get the jobs they want after graduation.

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What schools love about
- All our courses include a series of lessons in linear order, a quiz, and downloadable resources. We give tips to apply the learning to help your students strengthen their knowledge and improve the relevance and learning outcomes.
- Teaching the same subject across multiple classes? Breaking your classrooms into Groups allows you to assign training specific to students as and when needed.
- As students learn with Hosdu they earn globally endorsed certificates to showcase their new skills learned in class and to potential employers.
Schools use Hosdu in a variety of ways to blend their classroom teaching with online training.
Get students job-ready
Preparing students for life after graduation is an essential part of your teaching program. That’s why we offer online courses your students can take anytime and anywhere. With topics from beverage, culinary, management, and more. They will leave your school as confident, competent hospitality students ready to develop into seasoned hospitality professionals.
Delivering remote learning
Schools can deliver learning to students no matter where they are located. There has always been a need to provide remote learning, but now it has become a must-have in the current learning environment.
Blended learning
Blended instruction is reportedly more effective than purely face-to-face or purely online classes. Blended learning methods can also result in high levels of student achievement more effective than face-to-face learning. Data from research done all over the world shows effective training occurs when a mix of training types and methods is used.